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Airsoft Walk-On Pricing

 Airsoft walk on games are held Saturday from 9am – 5pm and Sunday from 11am – 5pm. 

Games are open to everyone and anyone. We hope to see you at the field.

Field Fee - $25

I have my own equipment I just need to pay to play.  Field Fee includes; all day play and all day air (Compressed or CO2).

Rental Packages - $45

I don't have equipment, but want to come out and play.  Rental Package includes; Valken M4 AEG, mask, all day play, and all day air.  BB's must be purchased separately.


.20g - 5,000 ct. - $14
.25g- 5,000 ct. - $16.50
.28g - 5,000 ct. - $23

.30g - 5,000 ct. - $30

.32g - 5,000 ct. - $32

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